Iron deficiency among children
Iron deficiency is a common problem that leads to violations of healthy physical, mental and psycho-emotional development of a child.
Iron is a very important element that participates in the formation of the central nervous system, healthy physical and mental development. It participates in the functioning of blood, muscle, immune system, thyroid gland, skin, etc. Iron is a part of hemoglobin, provides transport of oxygen from lungs to tissues and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.
About 50% of children of early age and 30% of schoolchildren have iron deficiency. Such figures are explained by the special physiological needs of the child's body in this element. Unbalanced nutrition, use of unadapted mixtures, cow's or goat's milk for children on artificial feeding are risk factors and the main causes of iron deficiency. Premature children and babies with hypotrophy are a special risk group.
The main reasons for the development of iron-deficiency conditions in children.
iron deficiency in the mother's body during pregnancy;
large blood loss during childbirth;
the use of low-quality mixtures or regular milk;
later introduction of animal products;
congenital or acquired diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or liver;
food allergy;
vegetarian diet;
ARVI complications;
treatment with antibiotics or sulfonamide preparations.
Symptoms of iron deficiency:
dry skin;
brittle nails;
hair loss;
pallor of skin and mucous membranes;
decrease in appetite;
lethargy, drowsiness, increased fatigue;
noise inside ears;
gastrointestinal disorders (constipation or diarrhea);
insufficient body mass;
glossitis (inflammation of the tongue);
gingivitis (inflammation and bleeding gums);
stomatitis (inflammation of mucous membranes of the oral cavity);
dysphagia (it's hard for a child to swallow);
distorted perception of tastes and smells;
enuresis (involuntary urination);
pain in muscles.
Humana Benelife Iron
In the means for regulating the level of iron in the body of children, it is found in the form of sulfate or lactate of iron. Their digestibility is 13% and 9%, respectively, which indicates low bio-availability of the mineral. Individual reactions of the organism to these compounds are also possible. irritation of the intestinal mucosa, nausea, diarrhea or constipation.
Humana Benelife Iron contains an innovative new generation compound in the form of iron bisglycinate. The structure of this type is identical to the structure of organic iron, and the digestibility is 40%. In addition to the excellent speed of absorption, this compound does not cause gastrointestinal disorders.
Benefits of Iron
excellent indicator of bio-availability (absorbed 4 times better than other compounds);
good tolerance;
To obtain the daily norm of iron, a smaller amount of supplements is needed;
A negligent attitude to the child's nutrition can prevent his/her harmonious growth and development. Using Humana formulas and vitamins, you can be sure that your child receives the daily requirement of iron and other useful nutrients. After all, their composition is perfectly balanced and adapted to each age and special needs of children.
IMPORTANT: Consult your doctor or our pediatrician about therapeutic doses. Humana Hotline: 099 440 110.